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My teaching experience includes undergraduate and informal science education. I love helping learners of all ages understand how science works. Here are some courses I have taught.


ES409: Yosemite National Park

A multidisciplinary look at Yosemite National Park, its history, development, features, and uses. Discussions include the effects of natural and human influences on the ecosystem. Course culminates in a week-long trip to the park for hiking, camping, and a service learning project.


ES409: Klamath River

This course explores the Klamath River, including its history of competing uses, with special attention to the effects of dams and dam removal on the ecosystem. Course culminates in an immersive, all-day river rafting experience.


ES409: Mt. Ashland Watershed

This course follows the path of precipitation down the slopes of Mt. Ashland, through forests, wildfire scars, towns, and agricultural areas. Discussion topics include wildfire management and flooding, culminating in a snowshoe hike on the mountain.


ES102L: Intro. to Environmental Science Lab

This lab course includes classroom and field activities. Students are introduced to microscopy, observation and measurements, ecological relationships, and human roles in natural systems.

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